Hi! I'm Nick Hasty.
I'm the Founder & CEO of Linda, the world's first AI designed to help us get to know ourselves, and each other, a little better.
Linda conducts thoughtful audio interviews with users, and then automatically transforms them into short, shareable, podcast episodes.
Click here to download Linda on the Apple App store.
Before starting Linda, I was the founding engineer @GIPHY. I worked there up until 2024, and my last role was leading their Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence projects.
I'm also an Advisor at Atlanta Tech Village specializing in AI/ML. Likewise, I also consult with early-stage startups, helping them scale teams, build infrastructure, and identify product market fit.
I also speak at conferences and join the occassional podcast:
Before all that, I was Director of Technology of Rhizome at the New Museum in NYC, got my Master's from NYU's ITP program, and was an active musician for over 2 decades.
I currently live in Atlanta GA, enjoy reading speculative fiction, will sometimes intentionally get lost in the woods, am married to Nancy Garcia, and the proud father of 2 daughters.
Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn.